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Miss Woodstock Copenhagen Tour - JULY 17 ... etc ... 2008

Guest cris_blitz

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Guest cris_blitz






Our BuggyGirl "Miss Woodstock" Nancy and her daughter Babette will drive all alone in their 1957 Albar Buggy

from Antwerp, Belgium, to the "Bugs Funny" meeting in Lynge, north of Copenhagen, organised by the Copenhagen Wings in Denmark

and afterwards to the "Beach Run" in Esbjerg located on the Danish west coast,

over a total distance of about 2100 km (1300 miles). .


Now that's what i call a woman with balls !




Follow the daily reports of the ride starting July 17




P.S. ... the promo-team is already on the road ...




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 17 - Schilde (B) -> Hamburg (D)


A 9hours 10mins ride over 605km (375miles) through the pooring heavy rain showers.

Arrived in Hamburg at 06.40pm, day mission accomplished.

And now in a hotell with a warm bath ? Nonono, wrong thinking ...

She's sleeping in her tent like the real die hards !!!



>>> Dayly report - July 17



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Girl Power !




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 18 - Hamburg (D) -> Fakse (DK)


This morning we woke up with real shitty weather, but, for the rest, everything all right.

We travelled fluently through Hamburg, and we had dry weather all the way to Puttgarden,

where we took the Scandlines ferry.

No traffic jams to get on the boat.


And yes guys, we made it to the Danish border. And we survived the boat trip.

Today we have 277 km (172 miles) on the speedo. We stopped in Fakse

so tomorrow morning we won't have to drive too far anymore to the Bugs Funny show.

They have a guided tour on their program, and we don't want to miss that one.



>>> Dayly report - July 18



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Top technology !




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Guest cris_blitz






Sad sad weather, and still very quiet on the meeting ground,

but it looks like they expect a lot of participants here later on.

Meanwhile we''re having a glas of wine in the local motorcycle gang pub,

let's find out if "Hagar the Horrible" drives a Harley :-)


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More photos as soon as there is more to shoot ...



Wings Camp !




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Guest cris_blitz






No, they haven't disappeared from Earth.

They even already won a couple of t-shirts and an ironing set.


But the battery of the notebook ran empty, and there was no electricity on the Bugs Funny camp-site.


Obviously, the Saturdays are the big day on Scandinavian meetings,

today, Sunday, around noon, most participants started leaving.

Thus, our ladies left as well.


They drove to a camping in the near of Copenhagen,

from there they will go discover the city of the "Little Mermaid" today and tomorrow,

and then travel further to the west-coast.


To be continued ...



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The morning after !




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 21 - Copenhagen (DK)


Miss Woodstock was in town ...


Indeed, we took the buggy to go out and discover Copenhagen city. A good decision if you ask me, because it looked a lot more dangerous with a bicycle.


My buggy engine still runs like a clock, and in case it would give up on us, that wouldn't really matter anymore, we reached our goal te arrive on time on the Bugs Funny show. Now, there's no deadline on our schedule anymore. Nevertheless, I wouldn't mind if we could continue driving flawless till we're back home.


Tomorrow we"ll drive the 200 kilometers to Middelfard, for a stop and a one night stay.


Greetings and till the next episode,


signed Nancy and Babette




>>> Daily report - July 21



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Ariel or The Little Mermaid




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 22 - Kopenhagen (DK) -> Middelfard (DK)


On TV or not on TV


As Cris Blitz predicted ... it came true. It's only in the background of the story, but I'm on it, they filmed me and it might be broadcasted on the French TV channels.


It's midsummer here in Europe, and I was already able to hand my personal wish list to Santa today, and yes, he assured me he will do everything possible to grant me all the things on that list. Strange situations to overcome when you're crossing Denmark in your buggy !!!


Later we drove over, at least that's what I think, one of the longest bridges in the world. About 24 kilometers (15 miles) long and all of it above the sea, there was a stronge wind when we were on the bridge, an experience I'll never forget.


Today I checked the Buggy's engine oil level and I had to add 1/3 of a liter. The engine starts a little less easy when it's hot, but no panic, as soon as it cools down, no problems at all.



>>> Daily report - July 22



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Service Time




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 23 - Middelfard (DK) - Esbjerg (DK)


Arrived on the buggylovers dream location.


We drove another 167 kilometers today, we ecpected to do only 137,

but there was no place anymore on the camping we planned to go to.

But it's OK, we found a place to sleep, and we like it here.

Quiet environment, and very important, here we have electricity and a fast connection to the internet.

(yesterday it took an hour to email 5 pixtures).


We crossed the island of FYN today.

After we put up our tent on the camping, we typed "Mall" on our GPS,

because all week long, Babette was bragging about buying a bikini, and today we finally succeed.

Tomorrow we'll drive to Vejers beach to make our first beach ride.

I hope this will be the crown on our tour.

And if it can't be done in Vejers, then, the day after tomorrow, we"ll drive to Romo island

(81 kilometers from where we are stationed now) to try it there.

According the guy on the Dansk Beach Buggy Forum, Romo is "THE place to be".

OK, and now we're going for a walk on the beach.


Till tomorrow, and with a lot of nice pictures ... I hope


Babette and Nancy



>>> Daily report - July 23



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Pure Meditation




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 24 - Vejers (DK)


Joy-riding on the beach


Todat we drove to Vejers beach, a 30 minutes drive from where we are camping,

a very nice holiday village where we ended up with our buggy on the beach in a glimpse.


Woow that's really fun driving. Soon you realize that a beach buggy is really made to drive on the beaches.

So far we weren't able to do a lot of joy-riding yet, Vejers has a 3 to 4 kilometers long sand beach,

but it's mostly a family beach where everyone parks his/her car wit h sea view.

Really amazing, park on the beach, open trunk to get the beach chairs and sunshades out, et voilà ...

You can see the funniest vehicles driving here : cross motorcycles, quads, sailkarts, .. I've seen them all.


Driving on the sand feels real soft, and sliding goes smooth and easy.

Videotaping with the webcam didn't work (technical issues),

but our good old digital photocamera refistered it pretty well.




Nancy en Babette



>>> Daily report - July 24



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Buggy Heaven




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 25 - Vejers (DK)


It's almost over


Our road trip is almost over,tomorrow we'll head back home, with a stop in Bremen.

From Esbjerg back to Belgium is about 850 kilometers, if we can spend the night in Bremen,

then we're already halfway home. The past 2 days we drove the 50 kilometers back and forth to the beach 3 times.

Driving the buggy on the beach was an unforgettable experiance for me, which I would recommend to everybody.


I'm not sure if I will be able to report tomorrow,

since the internet connection on our laptop doesn't seem to work anymore.

But, I certainly will write something after I arrive back home on Sunday.

See you then !




Babette and Nancy



>>> Daily report - July 25



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I'm loving it !




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Guest cris_blitz


JULY 26-27 - Vejers (DK) -> Bremen (D) -> Schilde (B)


The Flintstones are reunited


Yes, we arrived back home in one piece. We spent the night in Bremem.

Very nice camping place located next to a lake, where it was bloody hot by the way,

and there were people swimming in the distance. And Babette would love to plunge in the water.

While a drunk guy was asking me directions to the busstop,

Babette tried to make clear that we had to leave here as soon as possible,

as a matter of fact (and I didn't even notice yet) we were standing in the middle of a nudists camp.

So, the plunging had to wait.


Last but not least, a big thank you to Cris, who guided me in this fantastic way through Denmark

and introduced me to the right people, Thank You !


And guys, see you on one of the following meetings.


Nancy and Babette



>>> Daily report - July 26



>>> Daily report - July 27



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Home again !




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