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Natriumtäytteisen venttiilin tunnistus?

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Painosta ne ainakin maseratissa erottaa ja uusittavahan nuo venttiilit on jokatapauksessa n.100000km välein jos vw n ohjeita uskoo. Eli pakovenat aina uusiksi ohjurirempan yhteydessä.


Juu nää on NOS kannet + venttiilit (ajettu 10tkm asennuksen jälkeen). Kannet ovat nyt irti mutta venttiilit paikallaan, näkeekö jotenkin muuten kuin painosta onko täyte vai ei?


En enää muista nelkun normiventtiilin varren paksuutta mutta natriumit on 9mm varrella. Myös typ 1 pakujen koneissa, jos sellaiset on.


Ratwell sanoo seuraavasti "The designers came up with additional cooling solutions such as using sodium filled valves. The sodium liquifies at operating temperatures and the liquid is flung from the head to the tip inside the valve stem by the action of the valve to help to cool it. Some of the 1.8L Type 4 VW engines  used sodium valves and you can identify them by the dimple in the center of the head andthe 0.008" valve adjustment specification for this model instead of the normal 0.006" clearance."


he designers came up with additional cooling solutions such as using sodium filled valves. The sodium liquifies at operating temperatures and the liquid is flung from the head to the tip inside the valve stem by the action of the valve to help to cool it. Some of the 1.8L Type 4 VW engines used sodium valves and you can identify them by the dimple in the center of the head and the 0.008" valve adjustment specification for this model instead of the normal 0.006" clearance.The designers came up with additional cooling solutions such as using sodium filled valves. The sodium liquifies at operating temperatures and the liquid is flung from the head to the tip inside the valve stem by the action of the valve to help to cool it. Some of the 1.8L Type 4 VW engines used sodium valves and you can identify them by the dimple in the center of the head and the 0.008" valve adjustment specification for this model instead of the normal 0.006" clearance.

Posted (edited)

lautasen syvennys siis erilainen... eli tässä on ihan tavalliset venttiilit



Edited by Anssi

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